My Skalare
A private homepage about the king of fish, angelfish, with affiliated forum. Here you will find everything about the care up
to the diseases of these fish. There is also the possibility to acquire juveniles from my offspring. (This Site is in German.)
Breeding Angelfish
A guide to keeping and breeding tropical freshwater angelfish.
Angels Plus
Order several varieties of beautiful freshwater angelfish online and also visit our aquarium fish supplies store where you'll find fish foods, aquarium supplies and fish breeding items.
Flowerhornlove is a website about the fish keeping hobby. We feature information on flowerhorns and other new world cichlids. Also get reviews and relevant info on popular products used in the hobby.
All - The Number 1 Resource for Cichlids
Hobbyist information about African, Central, & South American Cichlids.
Our Malawi Cichlids
Website about the malawi-cichlids we keep with a growing database and a lot of our own pictures of (at this moment) over 500 species and varieties.
Dutch website with articles about aquariums and cichlids.
Cichliden-Info Forum
German forum with the theme of cichlids from all over the world. We also have a gallery, a list of links, glossary and much more.
Discus Tropical Fish
Articles, content, and videos about discus tropical fish, and setting up a discus aquarium.
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley has been a breeder of quality discus for many years. In addition to the discus you can also find other aquarium
products on his site.
Fanatik discus is a blog dedicated to the the king of aquariums. You'll find pictures, articles, reports
about aquariums and more about discus (symphysodon sp).
Premiumdiskusfische direkt aus der Zucht Stendker online bestellen
With us you can buy premium Discus! We only
sell directly from the German breeding breeding discus Stendker, the largest discus breeding in Europe, which for the
first-class quality and color brilliance of your discus fish known around the world. In addition, you will find a wide
selection of quality frozen food, aquarium backgrounds, and other accessories. (Bei uns können Sie Premium Diskusfische kaufen! Wir verkaufen ausschließlich Deutsche Nachzuchten direkt aus der
Diskuszucht Stendker, der größten Diskuszucht Europas, die für die erstklassige Qualität und Farbbrillianz Ihrer Diskusfische weltweit bekannt ist.
Außerdem finden Sie bei uns eine sehr breite Auswahl an hochwertigem Frostfutter, Aquarienrückwände und weiteres Zubehör.)
Gwynnbrook Farm
High quality, mail-order discus fish for sale in USA from full time discus fish breeder. Discus fish photos, videos
on articles on website.