
Betta Fish Online
Essential information on keeping and breeding the betta fishes.

A site dedicated to betta care and betta keepers.

Betta Fish Caretaker
Most beginners screw up taking care of their new betta fish. There are 5 main reasons that people screw this up. These fish are dying on people within a couple days on average.. Make a change and do some proper research.

My Betta Splendens
A private homepage about Betta splendens, the Siamese fighting fish. Here you will find everything about the care up to the diseases of these fish. Also articles about setting up your first aquarium, what to watch out for and what mistakes can be avoided in order to enjoy the aquarium hobby. (This Site is in German.)

Betta Fish Care
Learn how to keep your betta fish healthy, happy, and disease free.

Betta Care Fish Guide
Find answers to all of your Betta fish keeping questions.