General Aquaria

Authority Aquarium
Run by marine biologists, AuthorityAquarium is a comprehensive guide for fish-keeping enthusiasts. We provide everything from filter reviews, aquarium guides, to LED aquarium lighting tips.

Fish Tank Setups provides those in the fishkeeper hobby reviews and information on the best aquarium lighting, substrate, filters, and other fish tank related topics.

About Fish Online Tropical Fish
An excellent saltwater and tropical fish website that covers saltwater fish, freshwater fish, invertebrates, fish health
and disease treatment, and aquarium maintenance.
We help you to choose the right equipment for your fish tank by creating original reviews. We provide everything from water filter, water pump, canister, protein skimmers, lighting, etc.
Fishkeeping Forever
Find a variety of fishkeeping articles on both freshwater and marine fish, aquarium product reviews, and fish species info.
Bluewave Aquatics
Where fish keeping comes alive!
Aquatics World Fish Tank Reviews and Guides For Cold and Tropical Aquariums.
Tropical Fish Information
Designed for beginners, we have how-to guides, FAQs, articles, fish profiles, forums and more!
Love Fish Tank
Love Fish Tank is a website about fish tank supplies and aquarium fish care.
Fish Tank World commitment is to spread knowledge about fish keeping and help aquarist hobbyists with easy, actionable information to help them take better care of their fishes. The site contains info on setting up and keeping your aquarium, fish and plants, fish tanks and the equipment necessary to run your aquarium.
Aquariphiles - For the Love of Fish Keeping
Aquariphiles is a hobby site about aquariums and fish keeping in general.
The Fishes and Fishing Data Website
The site contains sections on different aspects of fishkeeping, rehoming, fish articles and new sections are being added regularly.
We provide information about aquariums, ponds, fish and how to keep and breed them.
Fish Supply Guide
Providing the best information, knowledge and guides about all topics related to freshwater and saltwater fish.
Aquarium Chatter
Aquarium Chatter features saltwater, freshwater and reef aquarium information. Additional topics include fish breeding and other various aquarium projects. provides product reviews and guides for setting up an aquarium.
Badman's Tropical Fish
One of the oldest aquarium sites on the Web. Badman's has articles about tropical fish, a forum, DIY projects, aquatic
diseases, aquatic plants, and more.
The First Tank Guide
This site provides aquarium tips and information based on over twenty years of experience. The purpose
of the site is to help beginning aquarists set up and properly maintain their aquariums.
Aquarium Tipps
German blog about aquariums and related products with tips and tricks.
Wet Web Media
Is a comprehensive resouce for the aquarium hobby. They discuss both freshwater and marine fish species, and invertebrate care.
Wet Web Media also publishes the online magazine The Conscientious Aquarist.
Pet care tips and pet supplies review website.
FINS: The Fish Information Service
Has information of interest to both freshwater and saltwater aquarium hobbyists.
Everything Aquatic
A unique aquarium forum that not only has a typical (and VERY friendly) board, but also has a member driven blog, fish profiles section, and links to the most current and researched aquarium information available. - Aquarium 2.0
User showing their tanks online. Community with thousands of beautiful examples how to set up an aquarium.
Rate My Fish Tank
Rate photos of fish tanks, read aquarium articles, visit the fish photo gallery, the forums, and watch videos of aquarium fish. - Intelligent Aquarium Stocking Calculator is an intelligent aquarium stocking calculator featuring bioload calculator, compatibility checker,
and a filtration capacity checker. It features a growing species database with more than 40 attributes per each species.
Aquarium Digest
The purpose of this website is to provide the reader with the best/highlights of aquarium and pond care/information articles.
Aquarien Magazin
A lot of information about your aquarium.
All About Tropical Fish
Keeping Tropical Fish in a home aquarium can be more complicated than it sounds. Come take a look and find out more about
this wonderful hobby that has been a past time for thousands of people for many years.
How Many Fish Can I Put In My Aquarium?
Calculate how many fish an aquarium can support using tank surface area, including hexagon tanks.
Tropical Aquarium Fish
Everything you need to know about tropical fish.
Tim's Tropical Fish
Information about freshwater and saltwater tropical fish species, fish care, discussion forum, compatibility and aquarium maintenance.
Pet Fish Shop Stars
The world's first online aquarium fish shop review site. Providing independent reviews on online aquarium fish on the web
and recommending the best online aquarium fish shops to shop at.
Learn everything you need to know to successfully set up and maintain your first freshwater or saltwater aquarium.
Aquarium Fish News
Aquarium Fish News is blog providing aquarium hobby news from all over the Web to you.
Aquarium Overload
A website dedicated to the the aquarium hobby. The website documents my saltwater and freshwater aquariums, fish breeding, and diy topics.
Aquarium Guides
Learn everything you need to know to successfully setup and maintain your first aquarium, be it freshwater or marine.
Aquariumfische und Aquarientechnik
Alles rund um Aquariumfische und Aquarientechnik (Everything about aquarium fish and aquarium technology).
Love Fish Tank
Welcome! You should visit Love Fish Tank firstly before starting with your first aquarium. Our site contains everything about fish and aquariums.
Fish Tank Bank
Fish Tank Bank is the perfect place to get your hands on a tried and tested fish tank for your fish!
Caring Pets
A website with a lot of animal information, including many articles on how to take care of fish.
Aquarium Source
Aquarium Source is a resource where aquarists can find valuable information to help them build thriving aquatic ecosystems.
Portland Aquarium
Portland aquarium where aquarium hobbyists can find many informative guides about aquariums and fish. We help you build and maintain your aquariums for decades.